The grand opening of Williams’ Station Bank


Moments later, Grey-Wolf Silverthorn came back outside, “We did not do this thing. There are boot-prints in the dust.”


No Cooper, much too large to be your footprints. There were at least five others in the cabin.”

It was then that Matthew Farkleberry walked up, wondering what was keeping Cooper so long at the cabin, “Hello Grey-Wolf, my friend. Why are you holding up the deputy?”

You are in great danger, friend Farkleberry, I have more warriors here, they will spread the news of this atrocity. Be on your way.”

Season VII, Chapter 1, Episode 8:

The stage arrived at Grand Marais Cooper, Farkleberry and the stagecoach began the run to Grand Marais, and watched for the expected attack; an attack that never materialized, they arrived safely a few hours after leaving the fishing camp.

Tired as they were from the stress of the past few hours, they didn’t notice the stranger standing next to Doc Shouse in front of the hotel, or the deputy marshal paying very close attention to their arrival.

The raiders responsible for the attack had turned up a side trail and rode along that for several hours before threading their way to the main road to Williams’ Station—they had “business” there, “This new bank in that jerkwater town should be easy to rob, buncha rubes in that town.”

Riding into an ambush ©2012 Jack BoardmanEasy, Clem, you should never underestimate a job.”

It’s too bad they knew nothing of Binkley, Abel, Cairns and Sledge also riding on that road—and looking for, and finding a good place for an ambush.

This day was a happy one in Williams’ Station, Adelbert Simpson, Jr. had just opened the first bank in Moosehead County and the grand opening celebration was underway.

Grand opening Williams' Station BankAdlebert had separated from the illegal, or at least, questionable, practices of his mother and father and wanted to begin the redemption of the Simpson name—and he was well on his way.

True to his word, Grey-Wolf Silverthorn personally saw to the burial of the fishermen and he sent runners to all the villages of Moosehead County. On foot, the runners could make better time through the forest than riders on the roads.

To be Continued…Refreshment Banner

About Jack Boardman

Just a little bit of a Curmudgeon.
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17 Responses to The grand opening of Williams’ Station Bank

  1. Chris Shouse says:

    Wow I am glad they made it safe and of course I am very happy to see them 🙂


  2. John James says:

    Where’s the gunfights?


  3. Is that a pistol in your pocket, Sledge? What?? It’s not a pistol????


  4. Sarah Cooper says:

    Runners making better time than riders … that makes me tired just reading it!


  5. sgtmajcarl says:

    I’d like to know what’s going on in Moosehead City[???] US Marshal Big Mac must be bored to tears by now! 😛


  6. Im a day late and a dollar short ..I will jus ride in to that new Bank and get me some doe! :)) Good morning 🙂


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