There was nothing more he could do…


Inside the cabin, Larry borrowed the wounded Bart’s Kentucky Long Rifle and went to a north-facing window, determined to extract a little payback…

…and found a target.

Bart began to stir, and cough, and Big Mac moved quickly to his side. Boomer quickly moved out of the way. Unfortunately, he exposed his back to the window…

Daisy heard the unmistakable sound of a cartridge being chambered, and Deputy AJ saw a form move in front of the window in the cabin…

…and quickly brought his own Sharps rifle to his shoulder…

Season VI, Chapter 2, Episode 37:

Blackmon's Army on the west side of the cabin ©2012 Jack Boardman

Blackmon's Army on the west side of the cabin.

Danger Bay Marshal Blackmon had her deputies and Ojibwe allies in place; supported by wildcats Puma Guépard and LaChat Sauvage. They were as ready as possible—but they needed something more…

Danger Bay Deputy Town Marshal Cooper had her deputies, augmented by a few Ojibwe warriors, in place. They were supported by Wolvenking L’étoile du Nord and his Wolven & Canine Knights-of-the-Realm and the trustworthy non-sentient wolves.

Cooper's Army on the west side of the cabin

Cooper's Army on the west side of the cabin.

Both Blackmon & Cooper were still outnumbered by the raiders, they needed an equalizer.

In the adjacent south side of the cabin, Devil Track Township Deputy AJ and Canine Deputy US Marshal Daisy were observing the situation when Daisy heard the unmistakable sound of a cartridge being chambered, and Deputy AJ saw a form move in front of the window in the cabin and quickly brought his own Sharps rifle to his shoulder and fired—a split-second before the raider fired.

AJ fired first ©2012 Jack Boardman

Deputy AJ fired—a split-second before the raider.

At precisely the same time, Larry saw a man who he suspected was the raider’s commander (in fact, it was—Lieutenant Calhoun), he took careful aim and fired Bart’s Kentucky Rifle.

Larry fired the Kentucky Long Rifle at the mounted officer

Larry fired the Kentucky Long Rifle at the mounted officer.

Calhoun and the rifleman aiming at Boomer both fell dead, the window by Boomer shattered as the round missing him by inches. Boomer, Larry, Big Mac and Town Marshal Bill Williams began volleying out the windows at the now leaderless raiders.

Daisy began baying and running back and forth outside the sight of the nearby raiders, and Deputy AJ drew and fired his .44 at them bringing down five quickly.

Puma Guépard and LaChat Sauvage charged into the raiders in front of them, taking down one-each and causing the line to crumble and Marshal Blackmon ordered her “troops” to advance on the retreating raider line.

Bart Nathaniel again began to cough violently, and Mac rushed to his aid and realized there was nothing more he could do…

To Be Continued…

About Jack Boardman

Just a little bit of a Curmudgeon.
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14 Responses to There was nothing more he could do…

  1. yatters says:

    “there was nothing more he could do”

    or say


  2. Sarah Cooper says:

    Sometimes that split second is worth all the time in the world.


  3. John James says:

    GUNFIGHT!!! 😀


  4. Chris Shouse says:

    My heart is just pounding!!!


  5. Good afternoon ..i had to wait until this late in the day for this battle!! :))


  6. Daisy Boardman says:

    I hope we get out of the woods soon…mosquitoes bug me. AR-ROOO!!!


  7. An equalizer! There’s nothing like an equalizer in the woods, unless it is, in fact, a split second.


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