Hickok stood up…


Through the window he could see a poker game in progress, and almost too late he noticed Deputy Hickok seated with his back to the window…

At roughly the same time outside the “rustler’s” bunkhouse, Chief Deputy US Marshal Blackmon noticed the door opening and shouted, “NOW!

One of the rustlers came out and seeing the marshals shouted, “Posse!

Season VI, Chapter 6 Renegade Marshal, Episode 13:

The posse surrounded the rustler's bunkhouse ©2012 Jack Boardman

The rustler was reaching for his sidearm just as Jay Cooper slammed into him—

The rustler was reaching for his sidearm just as Jay Cooper slammed into him—sending him back into the bunkhosue. Cooper was followed closely by Susie and Sarah both rushing in with guns drawn. Carpenter and Doc Shouse simultaniously entering through the back door, with Carpenter speaking just loud enough rustlers to hear, “Now don’t you galoots try anything, lessin’ you wanna die, here an’ now!”

They wisely raised their hands and surrendered. Their hands were tied, and they were soon secured to the saddles of 12 sentient horses found by the posse’s horses.

Prisoners led away from the Triple Bar X Ranch ©2012 Jack Boardman

Very quietly, the prisoners were led away from the Triple Bar-X Ranch towards Murdo.

Very quietly, the prisoners were led away from the Triple Bar-X Ranch towards Murdo. When they were out of earshot of the ranch, Susie stopped the column, “Jay and I will ride on ahead and have a chat with Sheriff Bulgebottom and explain to him, politely, that he will keep these rustlers safely in jail.”

Roughly an hour later Susie & Jay arrived at the Murdo Sheriff’s Office, and woke the sleeping sheriff, “Good evening Sheriff, we’re bringing your escaped prisoners back for you!”

Blackmon & Cooper at the Sheriff's Office ©2012 Jack Boardman

Bulgebottom darn-near fell to the floor as he struggled out of his chair

Bulgebottom darn-near fell to the floor as he struggled out of his chair, “But…but…you have no authority…” he sputtered as he reached for his sidearm.

Before his hand reached the butt of his old Colt .44, both Susie and Jay had their Peacemakers drawn and pointing at his fat head, “Take a long, close look at our badges, fat-boy.”

Y-y-you’re marshals?”

Yes, and you may leave now—or get into one of those empty cells in the back,” Jay took some pleasure in this. The sheriff sputtering, decided to leave.

In Dreadwood, Boomer Jack drew his Remington .44s and fired, amazingly, in the time it took for him to draw and fire, Hickok stood up, turned and fired both of his Navy Colt .36s—the bushwhackers didn’t even get their guns clear of their holsters. They had no further need for their guns—or their holsters.

Shootout at the Dreadwood Saloon ©2012 Jack Boardman

Hickok walked outside and Boomer had to ask, “How did you know?”

Hickok walked outside and Boomer had to ask, “How did you know?”

To be Continued...

About Jack Boardman

Just a little bit of a Curmudgeon.
This entry was posted in Pioneer Dakota Territory, Pioneer Danger Bay Stories, Season 7, Season 7—Chapter 6—The Renegade Marshal and tagged , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

14 Responses to Hickok stood up…

  1. A Monday cliffhanger…. BTW, I think I saw Sheriff Bulgebottom here in Ocala yesterday.


  2. Sarah Cooper says:

    Jay was cracking up about Sheriff Bulgebottom’s name. 🙂


  3. sgtmajcarl says:

    I like the gunfight illustration. “Chuzzlewit, M’Choakumchild, Flintwinch, and Bagstock”…Collie came up with some Dickens’ character-names she likes. 🙂


  4. Chris Shouse says:

    I was cracking up about the name also LOL LOL 🙂
    So Ole Wild Bill has eyes in the back of his head! Or he was positioned where he could see by the mirror on the saloon wall?


  5. Daisy Boardman says:

    I turned my head away because I couldn’t bear to watch. AR-ROOO!!!


  6. Love the art work Jack..with Wild Bill..very cool!


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