Where’s the harm in that?


As the day wore on, preparations were being made on the boat and in Danger Bay…Captain Molly Halloran ordered the MV Sparrow to depart the harbor and set a course north east out on to the lake, and Lyle “Cob” Pettigrew ordered his two patrol boats out on the lake to the southwest and maintain a course no more than a half-mile offshore. In addition, several fishing trawlers left port to various points out from the bay, ostensibly fishing and in spite of the advice of Cap Sezavich, to get in the way should the casino boat attempt to escape. A dangerous ploy, but the various captains could not be dissuaded—they wanted a piece of this.

Resigned to their decision, Sezavich ordered his crew aboard the big trawler MV Maryland & Virginia and departed port to ride-herd on his fellow fishermen.

At then it happened… Randy Kidd had proof!

Season 8—Chapter 4—Fighting Back—Episode 2:

On Lake Superior off Danger Bay—the boats of Danger Bay sortied from the harbor…

The boats of Danger Bay move onto Lake Superior

The boats of Danger Bay move onto Lake Superior

Meanwhile—at Danger Bay Airfield…

You and I, Carl McIntyre, have done our bit for this town—placing yourself is such danger,” Collie McIntyre was laying down the smack, “We are going down to the ‘Cities and spending some time with our kids and grandkids.”

Yes—dear,” Mac rumbled, “If anyone needs to beat-up some sky, feel free to take the P38—just bring’r back with both wings intact.”

Well, what now?” Boomer was not happy, “The good folks have thanked us, and sent us out to pasture.”

You say that like it’s a bad thing,” Larry quipped, “We COULD go for a train-ride.”

What train?”

Danger Bay Airfield office.

“What train?”

You know, the train…” Larry began, but his memory of the weekend faded—again.

We could go harass the casino-boat from the air,” Jay suggested, “They didn’t tell us not to.”

That’s not exactly the same as suggesting we harass the boat, Jay,” Sarah too, was wondering why they’d not been included in the plan.

Hmmm…beating-up some sky could take us out over the lake,” Boomer deadpanned, “And we might just ‘happen’ to see the boat—and go in one at a time for a closer look. Where’s the harm in that?”

To be Continued…

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From yesterday: Two characters HAVE BEEN NAMED!

 In case you missed this from yesterday: Help name the Mounties

About Jack Boardman

Just a little bit of a Curmudgeon.
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13 Responses to Where’s the harm in that?

  1. Poot figured we would have THE excitement today..NOT!!


  2. Sarah Cooper says:

    Friday means you gotta wait for Monday!


  3. sgtmajcarl says:

    I guess Collie & I are headed for the ‘Cities, and AWAY from the fun! 😦


  4. There’s no harm that I know of in a sneak peek!!


  5. Chris Shouse says:

    LOL it does feel weird being out of the loop!


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