There was a memorial

Search & Rescue BannerPreviously: Meanwhile Susan and Chris were busy rescuing crew after crew from damaged boats near Rock Island, whiled every available pilot and spotter searched the Apostle Island where AJ and Boomer might still be alive.

After several days of searching, they very reluctantly, gave-up the air search and began a ground search with every available law-enforcement officer and most of the inhabitants of the Port of Danger Bay.

No one wanted to give-up.

But this effort could not go on indefinitely.

Season 9—Chapter 1—Search & Rescue—Episode 12—In the Sikorsky UH-19B…

Susan, Chis and company rescued the last stranded sailors—at last they could mourne the apparent loss of Boomer AJ, and Daisy, “I don’t believe it Susan, they simply can’t be gone.”

Susan Chris and company rescued the last stranded sailors

“I don’t believe it Susan, they simply can’t be gone.”

The island has been searched and searched again, Chris, we have to accept their loss.”

I won’t.”

There was a memorial of sorts—held at Silverthorn’s Café and attended by all their friends and even a few former adversaries, Allen “Big A” Simpson was there, for example.

In the weeks that followed Chris and Buttons flew over the island daily, as did Flutters (who sorely missed his “Brown and White” friend/adversary).

When time permitted, Sarah Cooper also overflew the island.

Big Mac and Colllie McIntyre, and Larry Yatkowsky did the same.

The weeks passed into months, and the attention of everyone turned to other things:

Susan’s new Seven Tables was, as expected, a great success.

Carl McIntyre was asked to and accepted the temporary assigment as airfield administrator (over Collie’s objection).

Sarah and Jay Cooper tried with little success to get Brianna out of her tree.

Larry and Flutters spent some quality time visiting the far left-coast searching for the mountains-blue—beyond the westerly-west.

No one much thought about our current villans, or what they were planning.

Except Chris.

Thus ends Chapter 2—But our story? To be Continued…

About Jack Boardman

Just a little bit of a Curmudgeon.
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5 Responses to There was a memorial

  1. sgtmajcarl says:

    I FOUND the BLOOPER in the illustration! Yeah…I’m THAT GOOD! 😛


  2. Sarah Cooper says:

    Must be a good book. 😉


  3. Chris Shouse says:

    Why are you looking for Bloopers when we need to focus on finding our friends!


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