Now—we must return to our story…

Moosehead County Story Banner ©Jack BoardmanPreviously: “I have cold sandwiches, chips, and a salad for each of us in the squad; for when you’re ready to eat.”


“No, coffee in your Thermos® bottle; HOT.”

“Thanks. I hate to say this, Mac,” Boomer sighed, “I don’t care if he lives, or dies.”

“I’m sorry, sheriff,” Doc McLean said as he came out of the operating room, “He’s critical; but he’ll live.”

“Good; then I can send him a Christmas card at Stillwater prison every year.”

Season 13—Adventure 5—Moosehead County—Episode 1—Scene 1… “What kind of recovery time are we looking at, Doc?”

Mac Boomer & Doc McLean outside the ER ©Jack Boardman“What kind of recovery time are we looking at, Doc?”

“I’m not exactly sure, Mac,” McLean replied, “I’ve made arrangements with your chief deputy for 24-hour security, Boomer. I’m guessing a week in intensive care before he can be moved to the jail.”

“I’ve assigned reserve deputy Doctor Shouse to work the day-shift guarding and attending his care at the jail.”

“Oh—the irony!” McLean chuckled, “The deputy who shot him—caring for him.”

“And my ‘little’ brother, Merle, has taken leave of his tugboat temporarily,” Mac rumbled, “And is a reserve deputy US Marshal, will take the night shift.”

“Merle was quite the brawler back in the day, as I recall.”

“Oh,” Mac’s grin—wicked, replied, “He still is.”

Moosehead County—Episode 1—Scene 2…Mariucci’s Office in Superior WI… Edward Mariucci was pacing the floor—he hadn’t heard from Andy French in days—not since he left to take-out the Apoloni-Desanto crud. He made a call to a couple of—er—associates in Grand Marais.

Edward Mariucci was pacing the floor ©Jack BoardmanEdward Mariucci was pacing the floor

Although these associates looked rather ordinary—in a biker-wannabe sort of way—they were intelligent operatives and great at fitting-in to the dive-bar culture. The kind of folks that other folks, once they got past their appearance, found very likable.

The two never engaged in wet-work, they weren’t hit-men—they were adept at gathering information. Better still, they had never been arrested for even the smallest misdemeanor.

His next call was to his Chicago office and ordered his hit-squad to fly immediately to Duluth—they had a town to destroy.

Moosehead City!


About Jack Boardman

Just a little bit of a Curmudgeon.
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8 Responses to Now—we must return to our story…

  1. Linda Halvorson says:

    All your artwork destroyed???

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Sarah Cooper says:

    A town to destroy?! Noooooo!!!

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Chris Shouse says:

    And here we go with our adventure!

    Liked by 2 people

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