Moosehead City—Now and then

County Attorney Banner ©Jack BoardmanSeason 13—Adventure 9—County Attorney—Episode 5—Scene 1… Law office of Lepus & Jones… Brian Lepus had been called back to the courthouse to meet with both judges—and all hoped he’d been accepted. Lepus barely noticed the black Mustang pulling into the parking lot—his mind was elsewhere.

Andrew Jackson “AJ” Hammar had been on the road for more than eight hours before he noticed the small law office adjacent to the large bay. His mind, too, had been elsewhere—to this morning when he walked-out of one of the largest and most successful law firms in Minnesota with no plans on returning.

Andrew Jackson Hammar pulled into the law office ©Jack BoardmanAndrew Jackson “AJ” Hammar had been on the road

The firm, Miller, Fenster, Wilson and Blott was, perhaps, the most prestigious law firm in the state.

The problem was, for Hammar, at least, he had excelled at criminal law during his time at Jones & Wilcox and he had fallen for the M. F. W. and B. recruiter’s promise of a position in their criminal law section—and had been assigned to litigation.

He hated litigation.

He sighed as he walked into the lobby.

“May I help you?”

Andrew Jackson Hammar entered the law office ©Jack Boardman“May I help you?”

He smiled his one-thousand watt smile as he replied, “I hope so. I’m an attorney and I am looking for a position as a criminal attorney.”

“We don’t specialize in any single type of law,” Mary Littlefeather replied, “But, I’m sure Ms. Ames will be happy to talk with you. By the way—nice Mustang.”

“Thanks, it’s a lot of fun to drive.” AJ grinned, “And if Ms. Ames is available…”

“Oh, she is always available—if she hasn’t the time—she makes time anyway. I’ll call her.”

County Attorney—Episode 5—Scene 2… 21st & 19th Century Moosehead City… Debra & Joey arrived in front of Silverthorn’s Café in Moosehead City expecting to join Boomer for breakfast—and were stunned to watch his squad car disappear from sight.

“Maybe Silverthorn knows what just happened?”

Debra and Joey saw Boomer’s Squad disappear ©Jack Boardman“Maybe Silverthorn knows what just happened?”

“It is a Focus—they’re so unreliable,” Joey quipped, “Just disappear when you need them.”

“Oh—they’ve been called into the past,” Kiwi Silverthorn laughed, “About 143 years into the past.”

“Riiight,” Joey snorted.

JOEY!” Debra laughed, “Okay, Kiwi, does this happen often?”

“Not recently, it all depends upon if Cujo needs them to right a wrong in the past.”

And in the 19th Century… Our time-travelers found Moosehead City deserted—TOTALLY deserted.

19th Century Moosehead City was deserted ©Jack BoardmanTOTALLY deserted.

“CUJO—where are you?”

Cujo didn’t answer.

“This is really spooky,” Chris said, “No one in town.”

“Maybe they’re inside—let’s split-up and check all the buildings.”

An hour later their worst fears were confirmed.


About Jack Boardman

Just a little bit of a Curmudgeon.
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11 Responses to Moosehead City—Now and then

  1. Sarah Cooper says:

    The unreliable Focus! XD

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Chris Shouse says:

    So here we are “On The Road Again 🙂 ” Just can’t wait to be on the road again 🙂 Love being with my friends 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  3. sgtmajcarl says:


    Liked by 1 person

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