Sheriffs Banner ©Jack BoardmanSeason 14—Adventure 3—Sheriffs—Episode 7—Scene 1… at Farenholt’s Cabin… Sheriff Boomer was moved to another cabin, and guards were placed outside.

Sam Smith and Hazard Wilcox remained behind with Sylvester Farenholt, “Take the sheriff in his squad car as far north, and as deep into the woods as you can, Mr. Hazard—then kill him. Make it look like suicide. Mr. Smith will follow behind and bring you back—leave the sheriff’s body in his car, seated behind the wheel.”

Farenholt gave instructions to kill the sheriff ©Jack BoardmanSam Smith and Hazard Wilcox remained behind with Sylvester Farenholt

“Í’ll use surgical gloves and after he’s dead, press his hand as if he were holding the gun,” Hazard replied, “In addition I’ll wipe anything I’ve touched down thoroughly.”

“Good. Leave as soon as possible.”

“Will do.”

No one there noticed an eavesdropper listening-in—they couldn’t see her. She left immediately after the meeting—and with her was a very special package.

Cujo listened in on the conversation ©Jack BoardmanNo one there noticed an eavesdropper listening-in

A package I will not share with you—YET!    

Episode 7—Scene 2… An undisclosed location… ALL the members of the “Sentient Critter Committee” were here—their top secret “Meetingmoot,” those in attendance were: Cujo—the Keeper-of-the-Gate of the “Great Beyond,” and “Time-Bender,” Daisy-Legs Beagle, younger sister of Cujo, Pepper, Daisy’s boyfriend & best friend, Buttons, the smallest, yet equally valiant, member of the committee, Police dogs Thunder & Lightning, Larry FlutterMatters, the slightly brain addled eyes & ears of the committee, and new members: Kai-Braveheart, Cleo, Coco, and Murphy.

“My Alpha-Jack, who you know as Boomer, is about to be captured by the Sylvester Farenholt gang—likely to secure a ransom—possibly to assassinate. Our job is simple: Find and rescue the sheriff!” Daisy said, “Ideas?”

“May I suggest we ask our people-dogs to launch their helicopters now, and have them follow the gang?”

“Excellent idea, Cleo,” Daisy replied, “Flutters? Go find Joey and pass-on what we know and ask him, Debra & Lacey to get in the air as soon as they can.”


The Meetingmoot ©Jack BoardmanON IT, BOSS!”

“You’ve been watching ENTIRELY too much NCIS!

Flutters barely heard Daisy’s words—he was too busy attempting to contact his mythical muse “beyond the ocean-blue.” as he fluttered-away on his mission.

As delusional as he is—he always does his best for his friends—and doesn’t let those delusions get in the way.

“I’m calling for WolvenKing Ringo,” Cujo announced, “We’ll need the help of the Knights-of the Realm.”



About Jack Boardman

Just a little bit of a Curmudgeon.
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4 Responses to “ON IT, BOSS!”

  1. Sarah Cooper says:

    “Daisy’s boyfriend & best friend,.” 😀

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Chris Shouse says:

    Well, I don’t know what the package is but with the forest gang on our side these amateurs do not stand a chance. Ringo is a force to be reckoned with. Do I hear the powerful wings of Karma?

    Liked by 1 person

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